Wednesday, February 4, 2009

First Day

So I figured I would start this thang to give general updates to my friends and family (so no one gets mad if I don't call or write enough...and by "no one" I mean my mom ;) It's also to help me remember everything I can. Although I'll probably save the juicy stuff for my journal, so don't be expecting anything too crazy! haha.

Last night I stayed with this super cool chick Rebecca in Orlando. The flight to MD was relatively normal, however the kid that was sitting next to me had never flown before so he kept grabbing my arm and telling me how hot his step mom is. 

When I got to the Point (Perry Point) they were like "This is the government bitches, so get ready for some paperwork" and I'm pretty sure I now have arthritis in my right hand ;) The place I'm living is called The Village (you know, like that creepy M. Night Shama-whatever movie). Its basically two blocks of just houses. Then they served us yummy dinner which included veggie burgers, yay! On the downside, I'm the only vegetarian in my house....I've been considering giving up seafood as well, but I don't wanna be a big inconvenience, although I doubt our budget includes purchasing salmon and oysters so we'll see.

Speaking of my house. HOLY CRUSTY LINOLEUM, BATMAN! It's actually pretty funny how gross the house is. The linoleum in the bathroom is literally curling up near the wall revealing the disgusting underneath. 

There's 8 chicks, two per room, and luckily I'm in a room where I'm not in a bunk bed. There's only one bathroom. But everyone has been really accommodating and nice. And the girl I room w/ (Hilary) seems pretty laid back, she said there isn't much that bothers her which perfect since I've been known to be a bit messy at times (no comments, please). One more thing, we have no door knobs in the whole house. On the plus side, the door to my room is broken anyway so a door knob would do no good. We've named this door Forrest....cause it's a little retarded. But it's cool, it gives the

Tomorrow I get a uniform and begin training which consists of I-have-no-effing-idea-because-they-haven't-told-us-anything! 

Lastly, it's cold. Freaking cold. It snowed when I got in. They told us it's gonna get below zero at night these next few days. Thank goodness I brought the heating blanket! 

Till next time!


  1. Outstanding Forest hahahahahahahahaha Have funnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]

  2. Wait I just noticed you were up at 4:58 am Holy crap!

  3. Glad you're having fun :) I'm sure all of our x-rated late night phone calls won't make this blog, so when will I be able to get my hands on the real thing? You know, to re-live those hot starry nights?

